Which kind of LED Surgical/Dental Headlight is better for you?

Light intensity

While light is necessary for every medical or dental professional, the level of light intensity is entirely based on personal preference. Whether the intensity is 45,000 lux or 90,000 lux, a LED light will bring out a higher level of detail which would not have otherwise been seen. Additionally, a LED dental surgical light will remove all shadows from the focus area, thereby increasing your sharpness of vision.

Take notice of the lux (light intensity) when comparison shopping, as the case is often the cheaper the light, the lower the lux.


Which kind of LED Surgical/Dental Headlight is better for you?

Focused beams

Focused beams are extremely important because of the distortion free image they provide. When a light does not provide a uniformed, focused beam, one part of the beam will be more prominent than another, resulting in an image with distorted proportions and causing eye strain.


The Weight of the Light

The quick answer is yes. A portable LED headlight is deigned to sit on your dental loupes, which rest on the bridge of your nose. If you are working for long periods of time, the pressure on the bridge of your nose can build up and make you extremely uncomfortable. This will often result in your inability to continue working. If you are weight sensitive but also require higher illumination, a headband is highly recommended.


Battery System

Two aspects that you need to consider when deciding on a battery system are the battery life and the recharge time. Regarding battery life, it is important to use a Lithium-Polymer battery as opposed to a Lithium-Ion battery. Lithium-Ion is dated technology. Similar to phone charging in the 1990’s, if you do not charge a Lithium-Ion battery 100% each time, the battery life will be radically reduced. Lithium-Polymer batteries, however, have a ‘charge memory’ that is much less sensitive and will not radically deplete due to half charges.


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